Friday, May 29, 2009

Magically Boosting the Economy

After a long week of late nights, several checks and re-checks of our "to do list", and a teary-eyed moment laced with a stream of profanities this evening, I finally managed to walk away from my office at 8pm tonight completely confident that we're fully prepared for Licensing Show. I boarded the 4 train and began my commute home, completely exhausted.

But, in the short fifteen minute ride tonight, my frown was turned upside down when a magician boarded my car and began performing his best tricks. Between 42nd and 86th Streets, the talented fellow managed to make a scarf dance and tie itself into a knot, change a handkerchief into a live dove, and to make a chain disappear from his very hands!

I was so enjoyably entertained, I was slightly sad to be forced to exit the train at my stop. I never make a habit of donating to street performers in the subway, but I was so impressed at his ability to magically change my attitude that I made sure to drop a dollar into his tin as I walked onto the platform!


Mimi said...

That is so cool!