Wednesday, January 21, 2009

We Need A Return to Values . . .

Yesterday, our 44th President was sworn into office. I swelled with joy at the historic moment that Barack Obama took the sacred oath to defend our constitution and to uphold the individual liberties of our citizens as our country's first African-American Commander-in-Chief. I was especially touched by the declaration that we must return to wholesome values, that we must be humble in our approach among allies, and that we must be vigilant in defending ourselves against our enemies. I was brought to tears as I listened to his words and wanted so much to believe in my heart that today may truly be "a new day"--a day for us to all put away our selfish ways and to come together for the advancement of the good of mankind and not for our own wants.

I was appalled and embarrassed, however, that those who would claim to be his followers stooped so low as to "boo" President Bush as he entered the inaugural platform. Bad form my fellow citizens! You should be ashamed! I urge you to heed Obama's words and to return to the values of teamwork, neighborly love, forgiveness, honesty, and kindness.

President Bush is booed as he enters the crowd


Erin said...

It's amazing how there's already been such a shift to focus on family and service. I'm impressed!

Joy said...

I felt the same way about Bush and Cheney. You may hate the men, but still give the office some respect.

Randyman5775 said...

Well said. I hope he can accomplish what he says he wants to do.