Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Here I come to save the day . . . ?!

So, I arrived on the 40th floor of the MTVN building yesterday morning at 10:00am, eager to begin my first day of productivity at my desk. After making a quick loop around the building, I noticed that the halls were a little empty. After finally spotting Alicia, our marketing manager, she was able to give me a quick tour of all the VIP locations on our floor, including the ladies room, the mini fridge, ice machine, and finally my desk. (get it, I'm a VIP. . . well, you know my sense of humor.)

Alicia immediately handed me a stack of episodes to watch. So, I grabbed a big bowl of buttery movie theater popcorn, the plush chenille throw my team gave me in my welcome basket (how they knew that red is fave color, I will never know), and my pillow ready to immerse myself in the world of "The N". But, after only about 30 minutes of TV watching, Alex (our coordinator) walked over to the file cabinet sitting below the TV to grab some paperwork. And, the TV quickly tumbled onto her shoulders!

Alicia and I tried to jump to our feet as quickly as possible and were luckily able to grab the TV and move it to a safer location. Alex seemed to be OK, but I am sure she will have a bump on her head!

Today I was able to unpack and settle into my desk a little. I also ordered office supplies; I just hope that Alex can read my horrible chicken-scratch with that silly bump on her head.

On another note: everyone was complaining yesterday that it was rainy and dreary--I was just glad that it finally reached a high of 65. I can handle rain; cold is a completely different story . . . But, alas, we are back down to 40 today.


meg said...

let me get this straight, you watch tv for a living?
i totally picked the wrong career.

Holly said...

Definitely a memorable first day!